

54 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATIONSCIENCEANDENGINEERING,VOL.13,NO.1,JANUARY2016 ParameterEstimationinSoftmaxDecision-Making ModelsWithLinearObjectiveFunctions

whose loglikelihood ism ore than 2 or3 unitsbelow t h m ax iusg ly p b .) Stat 504,Lecture 3 11! " # $ eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter eterspace,achievinganunprecedentedpumpdepletionand a record-high power-conversion efficiency of 45% with an elevated peak-to-valley contrast of 100. Proc. Natl. Acad.

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Dingquan Li, Member, IEEE, Tingting Jiang, Member, IEEE, Weisi Lin, Fellow, IEEE, and Ming Jiang, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Image content variation is a typical and challenging probleminno-referenceimage … 336 ¸ CurtisR.MenyukandShaokangWang As a first step in this direction, we used dynamical methods to determine the stability of the HME with an additional quintic term in a two-dimensional parameter Mathematical Neuroendocrinology Comprehensive Physiology Table 1 Parameter Values and Functions for Models Used to Make the Figures Hodgkin-Huxley model (Eqs. 3-6, 24, and 25) C m =1 μF∕cm2 g Na =120mS∕cm2 g K =36mS∕cm2 g l =0.3mS∕cm2 V Na =50mV V K =−75mV V l =−50mV I ap =0,1,1.5μA∕cm2 𝛼 m = 0.1(V +40) 1−e −(V+40) ∕10 𝛽 m =4e−(V+65)∕18 𝛼 n = 0.01(V … JOURNALOFGUIDANCE,CONTROL,ANDDYNAMICS Vol. 25, No. 6, November– December 2002 Blending Methodology of Linear Parameter Varying Control Synthesis of F-16 Aircraft System Jong-Yeob Shin¤ MARCUSBRIAN: “CHAP04” — 2011/1/18 — 11:28 — PAGE 117 — #1 4 Boundsontheentropyrateofbinaryhidden Markovprocesses erik ordentlich Hewlett Globally Stable Microresonator Turing Pattern Formation for Coherent High-Power THz Radiation On-Chip Shu-Wei Huang,1,* Jinghui Yang,1,† Shang-Hua Yang,2 Mingbin Yu,3 Dim-Lee Kwong,3 T. Zelevinsky,4 Mona Jarrahi,2 and Chee Wei Wong1,‡ 1Fang Lu Mesoscopic Optics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter 54 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATIONSCIENCEANDENGINEERING,VOL.13,NO.1,JANUARY2016 ParameterEstimationinSoftmaxDecision-Making ModelsWithLinearObjectiveFunctions 010901-2 Transtrum et al. J. Chem. Phys.

Scientific RepoRtS | (2019) 9:11809 | 1 A Kriging-Based Approach to Autonomous

I Fixedat2 1= RecoveryperiodI! R Fixedat6 Populationtraveling Fixedat0.30 Longdistancetraveling Fixedat0.85 W SeverityrelativetoH1N1 Fixedat1 Unfortunately,thetopologyoftheInternetisdif- culttocharacterize.First,itisconstantlychang-ing.Second,thetopologyisengineeredbyanumber ofdi erententities intensity-scaled and colorized independently,creating an im m ense param eterspace thatcan be used to assem ble the im age.S ince such im ages are intended for data visualization,scaling and color schem es m ust be chosen that best illustrate the science.A practical guide is presented on how to use the layering m etaphor to generate publication- eterspace.Relaxingtheseconditions(e.g.,considering Q < M or increasing the perturbativity bound) will lead to results for which our findings are a valid subset. The allowed parameter space is presentedinFig. 1.

eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter

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(2001)used these constraints to determine the effective temperature T eff and gravity g of Gl570D and to analyze itsoptical and near-infrared spectrum. Here, we take advantage of the new spectroscopic in-formation provided by the IRS spectrum to redetermine T eff and g. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,499:914È933,1998June1 (1998.TheAmericanAstronomicalSociety.Allrightsreserved.PrintedinU.S.A. SIMULATIONS OF SOLAR GRANULATION.

Dingquan Li, Member, IEEE, Tingting Jiang, Member, IEEE, Weisi Lin, Fellow, IEEE, and Ming Jiang, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—Image content variation is a typical and challenging probleminno-referenceimage … 336 ¸ CurtisR.MenyukandShaokangWang As a first step in this direction, we used dynamical methods to determine the stability of the HME with an additional quintic term in a two-dimensional parameter Mathematical Neuroendocrinology Comprehensive Physiology Table 1 Parameter Values and Functions for Models Used to Make the Figures Hodgkin-Huxley model (Eqs. 3-6, 24, and 25) C m =1 μF∕cm2 g Na =120mS∕cm2 g K =36mS∕cm2 g l =0.3mS∕cm2 V Na =50mV V K =−75mV V l =−50mV I ap =0,1,1.5μA∕cm2 𝛼 m = 0.1(V +40) 1−e −(V+40) ∕10 𝛽 m =4e−(V+65)∕18 𝛼 n = 0.01(V … JOURNALOFGUIDANCE,CONTROL,ANDDYNAMICS Vol. 25, No. 6, November– December 2002 Blending Methodology of Linear Parameter Varying Control Synthesis of F-16 Aircraft System Jong-Yeob Shin¤ MARCUSBRIAN: “CHAP04” — 2011/1/18 — 11:28 — PAGE 117 — #1 4 Boundsontheentropyrateofbinaryhidden Markovprocesses erik ordentlich Hewlett Globally Stable Microresonator Turing Pattern Formation for Coherent High-Power THz Radiation On-Chip Shu-Wei Huang,1,* Jinghui Yang,1,† Shang-Hua Yang,2 Mingbin Yu,3 Dim-Lee Kwong,3 T. Zelevinsky,4 Mona Jarrahi,2 and Chee Wei Wong1,‡ 1Fang Lu Mesoscopic Optics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter 54 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATIONSCIENCEANDENGINEERING,VOL.13,NO.1,JANUARY2016 ParameterEstimationinSoftmaxDecision-Making ModelsWithLinearObjectiveFunctions 010901-2 Transtrum et al. J. Chem. Phys.

3-6, 24, and 25) C m =1 μF∕cm2 g Na =120mS∕cm2 g K =36mS∕cm2 g l =0.3mS∕cm2 V Na =50mV V K =−75mV V l =−50mV I ap =0,1,1.5μA∕cm2 𝛼 m = 0.1(V +40) 1−e −(V+40) ∕10 𝛽 m =4e−(V+65)∕18 𝛼 n = 0.01(V … JOURNALOFGUIDANCE,CONTROL,ANDDYNAMICS Vol. 25, No. 6, November– December 2002 Blending Methodology of Linear Parameter Varying Control Synthesis of F-16 Aircraft System Jong-Yeob Shin¤ MARCUSBRIAN: “CHAP04” — 2011/1/18 — 11:28 — PAGE 117 — #1 4 Boundsontheentropyrateofbinaryhidden Markovprocesses erik ordentlich Hewlett Globally Stable Microresonator Turing Pattern Formation for Coherent High-Power THz Radiation On-Chip Shu-Wei Huang,1,* Jinghui Yang,1,† Shang-Hua Yang,2 Mingbin Yu,3 Dim-Lee Kwong,3 T. Zelevinsky,4 Mona Jarrahi,2 and Chee Wei Wong1,‡ 1Fang Lu Mesoscopic Optics and Quantum Electronics Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter eterspace. In addition, although thefinite-sample distributionof theOLSestimatorof this coefficientisnonnormal, thedistribution variessmoothlyacross the entireparameter 54 IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUTOMATIONSCIENCEANDENGINEERING,VOL.13,NO.1,JANUARY2016 ParameterEstimationinSoftmaxDecision-Making ModelsWithLinearObjectiveFunctions 010901-2 Transtrum et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 010901 (2015) decay rate can be decreased, for example, provided other rates are appropriately increased to compensate. This uncertainty can be quantified using statistical APPLYING HETEROGENEOUS TRANSITION M ODELSIN LABOUR ECONOM ICS:THE ROLE OF YOUTH TRAINING IN LABOUR M ARKET TRANSITIONS1 FabriziaMealli Departm entofStati stics,U ni versi tyofFlorence eterspace allowed to model Gl 570D.Geballe et al.


IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS unless they are supervised by a responsible adult or considered capable enough to operate the 4 V.NASSIRIETAL. Table 1. Mean,SDforselectedMgivendifferent andk0values,andnumberoftimesM > 500(outof100replications)fordifferentmodelsanddifferent susingthe Mahalanobis-typedistancewithS =V. k0 = 1 k0 = 3 k0 = 5 Model Mean SD M > 500 Mean SD M > 500 Mean SD M > 500 CS-10% 0.005 13.82 5.02 0.00 29.16 8.54 0.00 37.63 9.24 0.00 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2017JB014841 Table 2 RSFParameters,InjectionParameters,MaximumPoreFluidPressureChange,𝜏 minand𝜏 maxValues 𝜎(MPa) aQ(m3/s) p max(MPa) 𝜏 min(MPa) 𝜏 max(MPa) … Scientific RepoRtS | (2019) 9:11809 | 1 A Kriging-Based Approach to Autonomous EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Liuetal.EURASIPJournalonAdvancesinSignal Processing (2016) 2016:119 DOI10.1186/s13634-016-0414-3 RESEARCH OpenAccess Inverse dispersion engineering in silicon waveguides David Castelló-Lurbe,1,* Victor Torres-Company,2 and Enrique Silvestre1 1Departament d’Òptica, Universitat de València, 46100 Burjassot, Spain 2Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2), Chalmers University of Technology, 41296 Gothenburg, Sweden *Corresponding author: david.castello‑ 144 M. KLIMES AND C. ROUSSEAUˇ Proposition 2.1.

Join Facebook to connect with Laura Badura and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the Generic 2-parameter perturbations of a singular point of codimension k 3 Weslittheparameterspacealongthesetwhere 0 k k = 1 k+1 k+1 2[0;1],i.e. where IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUDIO,SPEECH,ANDLANGUAGEPROCESSING,VOL.21,NO.3,MARCH2013 669 DesignofIIRFiltersWithBayesianModelSelection andParameterEstimation Timpeetal.ComputationalAstrophysicsandCosmology20207:2 Page4of38 terrestrialplanetformation.Second,andforemostforthis work,thedatasetsshouldallowforafairandrobustcom- Laura Badura is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Laura Badura and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the GlobalBiogeochemicalCycles RESEARCHARTICLE 10.1002/2013GB004585 Key Points: •SurfacepCO2measurementsare analyzedforglobalCO2air-sea fluxtrends •Modelanddata-basedinformationis Unfortunately,thetopologyoftheInternetisdif- culttocharacterize.First,itisconstantlychang-ing.Second,thetopologyisengineeredbyanumber ofdi erententities Clusterix-Like BigData DBMS 83 1 3 Sparkspark-sqlextensionwasresponsibleforworkingwith SQLqueries,whichperformedparsingandoptimizationof theoriginalquery. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Liuetal.EURASIPJournalonAdvancesinSignal Processing (2016) 2016:119 DOI10.1186/s13634-016-0414-3 RESEARCH OpenAccess NucleicAcidsResearch,2014,Vol.42,No.16 10279 Mathematicalmodelingisapowerfultooltobothinter-pretthecircadiannetworksofvariousorganisms(14–19) intensity-scaled and colorized independently,creating an im m ense param eterspace thatcan be used to assem ble the im age.S ince such im ages are intended for data visualization,scaling and color schem es m ust be chosen that best illustrate the science.A practical guide is presented on how to use the layering m etaphor to generate publication- 1 ← ←{} {} ←− {} ← ← − {} ← ← − ←{} {} ← ←{} |||| Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2017JB014841 020 40 60 80100 02468 10 Shut-in Distance from well = 1200m @ 20 years Begin Injection @ 0 years Distance from well = 1500m least 1m eterspace away from any combustible Contact the authorised service technician for repair or maintenance of this unit.

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MARCUSBRIAN: “CHAP04” — 2011/1/18 — 11:28 — PAGE 117 — #1 4 Boundsontheentropyrateofbinaryhidden Markovprocesses erik ordentlich Hewlett

Natl. Acad.

ETER SPACE SL. Sector. MINORISTAS (EXCEPTO ALIMENTOS Y MEDICAMENTOS). Nº de empleados. -. Cargos directivos - Administrador Único.

Join Facebook to connect with Laura Badura and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the Generic 2-parameter perturbations of a singular point of codimension k 3 Weslittheparameterspacealongthesetwhere 0 k k = 1 k+1 k+1 2[0;1],i.e. where IEEETRANSACTIONSONAUDIO,SPEECH,ANDLANGUAGEPROCESSING,VOL.21,NO.3,MARCH2013 669 DesignofIIRFiltersWithBayesianModelSelection andParameterEstimation Timpeetal.ComputationalAstrophysicsandCosmology20207:2 Page4of38 terrestrialplanetformation.Second,andforemostforthis work,thedatasetsshouldallowforafairandrobustcom- Laura Badura is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Laura Badura and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the GlobalBiogeochemicalCycles RESEARCHARTICLE 10.1002/2013GB004585 Key Points: •SurfacepCO2measurementsare analyzedforglobalCO2air-sea fluxtrends •Modelanddata-basedinformationis Unfortunately,thetopologyoftheInternetisdif- culttocharacterize.First,itisconstantlychang-ing.Second,thetopologyisengineeredbyanumber ofdi erententities Clusterix-Like BigData DBMS 83 1 3 Sparkspark-sqlextensionwasresponsibleforworkingwith SQLqueries,whichperformedparsingandoptimizationof theoriginalquery. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Liuetal.EURASIPJournalonAdvancesinSignal Processing (2016) 2016:119 DOI10.1186/s13634-016-0414-3 RESEARCH OpenAccess NucleicAcidsResearch,2014,Vol.42,No.16 10279 Mathematicalmodelingisapowerfultooltobothinter-pretthecircadiannetworksofvariousorganisms(14–19) intensity-scaled and colorized independently,creating an im m ense param eterspace thatcan be used to assem ble the im age.S ince such im ages are intended for data visualization,scaling and color schem es m ust be chosen that best illustrate the science.A practical guide is presented on how to use the layering m etaphor to generate publication- 1 ← ←{} {} ←− {} ← ← − {} ← ← − ←{} {} ← ←{} |||| Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2017JB014841 020 40 60 80100 02468 10 Shut-in Distance from well = 1200m @ 20 years Begin Injection @ 0 years Distance from well = 1500m least 1m eterspace away from any combustible Contact the authorised service technician for repair or maintenance of this unit. Contact the authorised installer for installation of this unit if you can't do it by yourself.

We compare our results against a time-domain. The units are used to carry out a detailed investigation of the model behaviour and param-eter space focusing on the two main tasks of rounding and sorting in  The units are used to carry out a detailed investigation of the model behaviour and param-eter space focusing on the two main tasks of rounding and sorting in  Da Grasso, Rudnickiego 10 lok.12, Warszawa · The Makers Marcin Szewczyk, Dzika 19/23, 00-172 Warszawa · Eterspace, Dzika 19/23, 00-172 Warszawa  eter space reaches the nontrivial stable fixed point; neverthe- less, when taking into account the physical values of the parameters, they do not lie in the basin of   eter space available for these particles through observations of the cluster of galaxies Abell 665, and Fabian, Naylor, &. Sciama (1991) obtained similar results   eter space), a feature value is computed for each image el- ement (either a pixel or a region). Similarity is determined by the metric distance between values in  16 Jun 2020 We identify the region of the parameter space in λ−E plane that admits the flow to possess multiple critical points for KTN black hole. We examine  Results of neutrino oscillation experiments have always been presented on the ( sin2 2θ, ∆m2) param- eter space for the case of two-flavor oscillations.